Saturday, September 28, 2013

Catching Up

A short tour through the 2013 gardening season, beginning with the Jack-in-the pulpit, transplanted from New England, which took two years to bloom.

Then the mist of forget-me-nots which seeded themselves nicely, wrapping the little stone owl in blue.

Purple allium, yellow pansies in a pot, bleeding heart just blooming.
These bright tulips took advantage of the early spring sun in the back of the border which gets total shade in summer.

 The bronze cat guards a late May tangle of grape hyacinth, sweet woodruff, pulmonaria and ferns.
A tree peony flowering behind the bench.
By June the forget-me-nots are still blooming. In back of them are two large-leaved wild mullein which seeded themselves nicely along the path from the arch.
In the shade garden the wonderful maidenhair fern, and to the right the dark, glossy leaves of European ginger which I am hoping will spread, forming a carpet (will take a few years probably).
 More shade garden views

 Late June purple Japanese iris, echinacea, phlox paniculata and geranium"Wargrave pink."

July sunny border
Late July explosion of MonardaEchinacea, and day lilies
The blue is agapanthus in big pots which live in the garage in the winter.

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